In psychology, they describe human beings has having four quadrants.
-Information you know about yourself that others know about you.
-Information you know about yourself that others don't know about you.
-Information you don't know about yourself that others know about you.
-Information you don't know about yourself that others don't know about you, either.
It's that fourth quadrant that is the most interesting. Physics tells us that spacetime slowly reveals our personal histories to us, therefore searching for the fourth quadrant just speeds up the process of discovery. Granted, certain aspects of personality are determined by conflict, thus the definition of character. However, it is a safe assumption that certain aspects of ourselves and our businesses that exist as of this moment and have yet to be discovered, without the need for conflict.
There are numerous books on marketing, branding, and so forth... all of which have bits and pieces to the big answer, the silver bullet in which you are guaranteed an advertising campaign will connect with your customers. Hate to say this, but there is no silver bullet. But there are starting points. Overlooked is the search for the fourth quadrant, in terms of a marketing perspective, as a starting point.
An advertising campaign that reveals unknown aspects of one's business not only offers a fresh perspective to the world, it is also honest. Honesty and advertising are two words that rarely seem to go hand-in-hand, but it is critical in this day and age to present yourself, warts and all, to your clients. Why? You avoid the embarrassing "let down" which occurs when your products or services fail to meet the wrong expectations you've set for them. This occurs frequently when advertisers tend to over-sell an image using sin factors.
Gathering this hidden information requires a third person perspective, some brilliant insight into your own company, and focus groups that are effective. Focus groups have become less and less useful over the years. They've become aware! Like particles that are examined, which dramatically effect the outcome of the particle itself... when people know they are being tested, the results may become skewed. Be cautious. Good news: There are several agencies and talents in Seattle that have innovative ways to conduct new kinds of focus groups. (One I'm throwing around right now involves "personification." I'll explain later.)
In short, discover something new about your business. You'll surprise yourself and your clients, and create a whole new aspect of your company you can show the world and be proud of, because it's honest.