Q: I'm just starting out in photography. How do you create all of that texture work on your pictures?
A: Lots of layers and experimentation in Adobe Photoshop. Sometimes I'll have 16 separate layers by the time I'm ready to flatten the image.
I'd suggest grabbing a photo disk of patterns or textures, you can also purchase some on istockphoto.com for cheap. from there you just add each texture or pattern, one at a time, experiment with the opacity and such (dissolve, darken, lighten). Knowing what to remove using different erasers helps, too. The layers will begin to mesh and create interesting patters within themselves.
Eventually you'll get the hang of it. Sometimes it helps to look at other collage pieces, just to get an idea of how shapes, colors and textures will play together. There really is no science to the process, which is what makes it so unique.
Hope that helps!
- Michael Foster