Friday, February 22, 2008

Book Club part 1

The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality
by Brian Greene

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. What's a physics book doing on an art & design blog. Well, truth be told... there are a lot of lessons to be learned through the exploration of string theory. Not to mention the ability to picture 11 dimensions can do wonders for ones painting (and or advertising) career.

Some of what you will learn is the following...
1) Sometimes there is more than one accurate and valid explanation for the same thing.
2) Every moment of your life in theory hasn't disappeared, it's still happening.
3) You need negative forces to have positive ones. (and vice versa)
4) It takes about 20 very solid and fixed measurements (size of electrons, temperature which water freezes, etc.) to make a universe as random as ours.

It's a good mind expander, and under $12.00. Check it out!

Buy the book at Amazon here.