Thanks to technology we have an abundance of imagery at our disposal. We can view art from all time periods, even though we miss the details that the originals can offer, like brush strokes, texture and so on. It can be a paradise for the modern artist that wants to explore new territory, and yes... there is new territory to be discovered. I personally like to paint information overload, but spacial relations, multi-dimensions, string theory, and such all provide stomping grounds for artists that want to pioneer into the unknown.
So what's the problem? Simple, the press likes to glorify the crap. Pregnant Britney Spears statues, floor flags, human bodily fluids on religions figures and horse head eating maggots all get the ink these days. It's obnoxious because it is lousy art. And yes, this is not an opinion, this is fact. Projects that only invoke uncomfortable feelings and shock value do not live up to high standards, just as much as a smiley face sticker or a $39 print at Target. These are one-trick ponies, that cheapen the industry, and it is time the art world gathers the finest in the industry and penetrates the consciousness of the everyday citizen.
And there are plenty of modern artists that stir the imagination. They are not getting the press, except the occasional PBS series (ART 21) and such. A good place to start is the Phaidon Press book Vitamin P, a 352 page visual treat for those that want to see what modern art can truly be without the excessive use of boobies and vulgarity.
And for those looking to expand a career in the arts, which you can do... there are plenty of online resources to get you started. The Art List is a monthly newsletter listing art contests, competitions, awards, juried art shows, art grants, calls to artists, and other opportunities.
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It is the job of the artist to awaken the public of new visual possibilities, the more eyes and ears, the more enlightened we all become.